Naugatuck BOE opts for school on Columbus Day


NAUGATUCK — The Board of Education is letting the Columbus Day holiday set sail in favor of giving students a different day off.

The board last week voted 7 to 1 to approve a 2018-19 school calendar that gives students the day before Thanksgiving off and makes Columbus Day a school day.

Assistant Superintendent of Schools Christopher Montini said the driving force behind the change was the number of student absences on the day before Thanksgiving.

The average daily absentee rate is 5.5 percent, Montini said. On the day before Thanksgiving, which has previously been a half day, the absentee rate jumps up to 12.3 percent, he said.

“We have many families that leave for the holidays. So essentially we would be providing an opportunity for families that have to travel, and we would be replacing a half day with a full day. So there isn’t any decrease in instructional time,” Montini said.

Board member Jason Celozzi, who voted against approving the calendar, said he’s concerned that families take vacation on Columbus Day weekend, so the change would not affect the overall level of absenteeism.

“It is an extended weekend, so it gives families an opportunity to have a mini vacation. So I am concerned we are swapping one bad attendance day for another bad attendance day,” Celozzi said.

Board member Glenn Connan said Columbus Day is not a holiday most people have off, so having students go to school would be good for parents.

“For Columbus Day, a lot of private sector employees work and have childcare issues. They have to deal with childcare on a day that’s not a holiday unless you are a state employee or municipal employee,” Connan said.