Tag: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Grant could mean additional hiking opportunities in borough
By Andreas Yilma Citizen's News
NAUGATUCK -- People may have a greater opportunity to hike on more land in Naugatuck if the borough secures a grant.
‘It is a no-brainer’: State funds sought for electric vehicle investment in Beacon Falls
By Andreas Yilma Citizen's News
BEACON FALLS -- The town is moving ahead to apply for a state grant to expand its electric car charging station.
Lifeguard shortages plague towns across the state
By Katrina Scalise Republican-American
WATERBURY -- Local recreation departments have been recovering from two years of lifeguard shortages and other pandemic-related issues, forcing some towns to...
Parent Cabinet formed to ensure families are heard
By Lance Reynolds Republican-American
HARTFORD -- Naugatuck resident Joshua Vaughn had his hands tied.
After working from home at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the father...