Smith announces campaign managers


BEACON FALLS — Republican First Selectman candidate Gerard Smith announced he’s named former Beacon Falls First Selectman Len D’Amico and former state Representative and Beacon Falls Selectman Len Greene, Sr. to co-chair his campaign efforts.

“I’ve agreed to be co-chairman with Len Greene, Sr. Together we are going to run an aggressive campaign,” Len D’Amico said, in a prepared release.

Smith’s running mate, David D’Amico, is Len D’Amico’s son.

“I’m proud to be part of this dynamic team and glad to be working again with Len D’Amico. This team is exactly what the town of Beacon Falls needs to move forward,” Greene said, in a news release.

Smith credited Len D’Amico as the man who got him involved in service to the town when D’Amico appointed him to the Planning and Zoning Commission in 1988.

“I think it’s great to have a friend and mentor manage my campaign,” Smith said, in the release.

Smith and D’Amico also announced they are running on the campaign slogan of “Beacon Falls FIRST.”

“Our campaign motto and our firm commitment is ‘Beacon Falls FIRST.’ Decisions will be made based on what is best for our town, which will benefit all residents. We will be working hard to gain the support of the voters,” Smith said in the release.