HARTFORD — State Rep. Rosa Rebimbas (R-70) was an invited panelist for a discussion of Connecticut’s female lawmakers, the legislative process and gender pay equity during the third annual Women’s Policy Day at the Capitol Dec. 3.
“I’m honored to have been included on a panel which included so many influential and important female legislators and businesswomen,” Rebimbas said in a press release. “I always welcome the chance to discuss the positive role of women in our state legislature. While the Connecticut legislature already has equal pay for men and women, many industries do not. We need to continue to find positive ways to inspire and empower women to advance to their professional heights.”
The focus of the event was “to inform and motivate women to engage in the legislative process and acquire the tools to understand and articulate policy change,” according to the release. Among the topics covered during the event was the Governor’s Gender Wage Gap Study Task Force, which issued a report in November
During the discussion, Rebimbas highlighted that the report examined the gender wage gap in the private sector only and should have included the public sector.
“Although I do not agree with all of the recommendations made by the task force, I do believe it provides critical information that will allow everyone to better examine the gender wage gap in the State of Connecticut in order to properly address it,” Rebimbas said in the press release.