Presentations to be held on school project

An artistic rendering of the new elementary school to be built in Prospect. –CONTRIBUTED
An artistic rendering of the new elementary school to be built in Prospect. –CONTRIBUTED

REGION 16 — The Region 16 Building Committee is holding two presentations this week to bring residents up to date on the school building project.

Voters approved bonding $47.5 million for the three-part project in December of 2011.

The project includes building a new elementary school at 75 New Haven Road to replace Community and Algonquin schools in Prospect, major renovations to Laurel Ledge Elementary School in Beacon Falls, and building a new district office on the Algonquin School site.

The Building Committee has been working with architects and consultants from Fletcher Thompson, Turner Construction, state and local officials and commissions, school staff, and the Board of Education over the past year to set forth designs and specifications for the project.

The committee will inform residents on the status of the project, take public comment and outline work yet to be undertaken at the presentations. Two complete presentations, one each in Beacon Falls and Prospect, have been scheduled. The first will be held Tuesday, with a snow date of Feb. 5, at 7 p.m. at Long River Middle School in Prospect. The second presentation will be held Wednesday, with a snow date of Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. at Woodland Regional High School in Beacon Falls.