Police remind people to Click It or Ticket


CNLogo1The Naugatuck Police Department and the Prospect Resident Trooper’s Office issued a reminder to drivers to “Click It or Ticket.”

Local police urged everyone to buckle up as Memorial Day weekend approaches. Officers will be cracking down on seatbelt scofflaws and be issuing tickets to anyone not wearing their seatbelt as part of the national Click It or Ticket campaign, which runs from May 20 to June 2.

According to figures cited by police, in 2011 seat belts saved an estimated 11,949 lives nationwide, motorist are 75 percent less likely to be killed in a rollover crash if they are buckled up and of the 21,253 passenger vehicle occupants who were killed in motor vehicle crashes nationwide in 2011, 52 percent were not wearing seatbelts at the time of their fatal crashes.

Nighttime enforcement will be a priority of the campaign. For more information, visit www.TrafficSafetyMarketing.gov.