citizens news
BEACON FALLS — Full depth reconstruction is expected to begin for two roads later this year after town officials’ approval.
The Board of Selectmen at its July 8 meeting approved forwarding the new design plan for West Road back to the state Small Town Economic Assistance Program for review so it can move forward with the rehabilitation of the road and put the project out to bid.
“West Road is coming apart,” First Selectman Gerard Smith said.
Town officials plan to use $500,000 in STEAP grant funds and $150,000 left over in bonding for the project that will include drainage work, close to full depth reconstruction, milling and paving, Smith said.
“The biggest problem we have on West Road is drainage,” Smith said.
The town initially planned with the $500,000 STEAP grant for a $2.2 million West Road rehabilitation project. Town officials were initially approved for a Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program and planned to make a LOTCIP application.
However, state officials overseeing STEAP wouldn’t allow the transfer of funds to another road.
“STEAP said that they would not transfer the STEAP grant from West Road, so we scaled back because we needed to get West Road fixed,” Smith said.
The $2.2 million cost was due to plans to bring water and gas to the area. The denial to move funds from STEAP resulted in officials scaling back on the West Road project.
The project, which includes the repair of all the drainage, will take place from Rimmon Hill Road to the Oxford town line. The work is expected to start in the fall and finish by the end of the year, Smith said.
Smith said the balance of the money that the town has left over will go to finish rehabilitation work on other avenues in town.
Town officials also approved awarding Church Street work to Colonna Concrete and Asphalt Paving, which is expected to begin within the next 30 days.
The Church Street work will include replacement of the water main, some drainage work, full rehabilitation and sidewalk work on the existing side. The road is expected to be closed during the day and open during the evening for thru traffic, Smith said.