NAUGATUCK — A portion of Cliff Street is now a one-way street for motor vehicle traffic following complaints by borough residents.

The area of Cliff Street from Fairview Avenue to Walnut Street become a one-way street May 25 for eastbound motor vehicle traffic going toward Fairview Avenue.

It’s the only portion of Cliff Street that will change travel directions for drivers, according to police.

The change in direction of traffic comes after residents in the area made complaints to the Naugatuck Police Department.

Complaints said the street doesn’t allow for the safe passage of two way traffic with on street parking on both sides of the street.

This change is being implemented as a result of complaints received by the Naugatuck Police Department that the street does not allow the safe passage of two- way traffic with on street parking being utilized on both sides of the street.

Police Chief Colin McAllister said police received complaints about a month ago and residents requested a study of traffic flow and parking on the road.

“Upon receipt of these complaints, the Naugatuck Police Department conducted a traffic study and looked at several possible solutions,” the release stated. “The traffic study determined that one-way traffic was the best solution for this section of Cliff Street.”

Drivers who exit Walnut Street will be allowed to turn left or right. However motorists who are traveling to the west or south ends of Cliff Street or attempting to gain access to Walnut Street through Cliff Street are encouraged to use Frederick Street, which is located about 100 feet south from Cliff Street.

“Based on internal analysis at this time, we believe that this will be the most effective solution that we can come up with to try to alleviate those concerns that were outlined in the original complaint,” McAllister said.