Prospect Town Council
Age: 59
Occupation: Retired From UPS 37 yrs.
Past political posts: Chairman Prospect DTC, current Town Council Member
Education: Electro- Mechanical
Do you think Prospect needs policies regarding wind energy? What form should such policies take?
“Yes. Follow existing zoning and building regulations, and consider each application for placement and proper zoning.”
What is your plan for economic development in Prospect?
“Prospect currently had an Economic Development Board. I would work with them and consider their recommendations.”
How do you plan to approach the next budget cycle?
“I would be more aggressive in making cuts to the existing budget. There are many areas that are not well controlled and could receive cuts that wouldn’t affect programs or services.”
If elected, what are your priorities and goals?
“To continue to make decisions based on the best interests of the taxpayers of Prospect.”