Letter: Writers only ones showing partisanship


To the editor,

Upon reading response letters to the previously posted letter, “Beacon Falls has choices to make,” it’s clear that both Ms. Brown-Brierley and Mr. Krenesky are the only writers who have “partisanship” and the “same old blame game mentality” in their sphere of thought.

Firstly, let me comment on the RTC chair’s remarks. I have read Ms. Cable’s letter numerous times and see the word “partisan” mentioned only once near the close of her letter. I believe that her intention was to link the partisan politics label with all of the other negatives that she suggests will hurt, not help the town. She is not blaming or accusing anyone of being partisan regarding her interest in the EDC position. Furthermore, whether or not her selection was supported by her own party was never discussed or suggested by Ms. Cable. Quite honestly, your comments are the only partisan words I read, because you state, “As chair of the RTC I couldn’t sit by and let this go unchallenged.” Who’s challenging you, the Beacon Falls RTC, or Republican Party? Not Ms. Cable — all she said was a vote was taken, a process was put in place and when it was found out that she was interested in the position, the negativity began and the rules changed.

Also, by making your assertion, you negatively impact the EDC chair as he is a registered Republican and active in your party, not Ms. Cable. And, Ms. Cable never connected any political party with the now infamous anonymous bloggers. Again, your comments make the assumption and connection that she inferred only Republican bloggers were commenting, which of course may or may not be true — we will never know if no one signs their blog, will we?

Another letter was written by Michael Krenesky. In his letter, Mr. Krenesky uses, over and over again, the process of “the end justifies the means” mentality to promote the actions of the EDC. From “thanking” Mr. Bielik, to “applauding” Mr. Rodorigo, to denouncing the actions of the Beacon Falls Democratic Town Committee, he is justifying the fact that usurping a process is acceptable.

The fact remains that a vote was taken, and the commission decided to disregard the wishes of the people. And, to state that, “very few people were present for the Board of Finance budget deliberations when the EDC items were discussed” as again justifying the end-result, is ludicrous. If every citizen made that assertion, there would be no democracy. A vote is a vote, is it not? Whether it’s one vote or 1,000, until there’s another vote to cancel a previously standing one, the original wishes of the voters should stand.

Furthermore, Mr. Krenesky had to send an addendum to the Citizen’s News to note that he was referencing the wrong line item in the budget. In that addendum, he states that “I associated the overall conversation related to the taxpayers approving the hiring of an EDC Coordinator to the wrong line item.” The key words for me are: “taxpayers approving the hiring,” which is equal to: a vote is a vote.

Also, his assertion that Ms. Cable’s past service to the town, and her not being someone that fully meets the qualifications’ of the EDC position is downright insulting. As I understand it. Ms. Cable didn’t express interest in the position claiming she was an expert. Her assertion was that, given 18 plus years in public service to the town in various leadership roles, she wanted to be regarded as a viable candidate for the position. Instead, the EDC changed direction after a vote was taken, while others chose to blog insulting remarks anonymously. I have to agree with Ms. Cable — all this is totally unacceptable.

He then goes on to end his letter with, “I would suggest looking for a firm or very qualified individual that can look beyond the past two decades of accomplishments.” So what does he mean here? Did we have 20 plus years of positive growth and accomplishments for Beacon Falls during Ms. Cable’s administration or not? It seems to me that what Ms. Cable has tried to express is correct: Ms. Brown-Brierly, Mr. Krenesky, “BFhillboy,” whomever else anonymous blogger, have made this a personal referendum. Still, the people of Beacon Falls are subjected to political rancor and outright nonsense, so that a faction can work out their own agenda.

So, perhaps you might think this is all in the best interest of the town, but I think you’re making a grave mistake here. You both are equating a dislike for either a person’s service, or the administration that bore her name, or both, to usurp a duly authorized process. The EDC shouldn’t have manipulated the process, but it seems that was the only way they could have kept Ms. Cable from the position. Whatever the outcome, I hope that, because of what was brought to light, when this process again comes before a meeting and a vote is taken, a different result will occur.

And as for Ms. Cable, her withdrawal from consideration of the position is history. But, I’m sure she’ll still remain active and visible and supportive of the Town of Beacon Falls, without partisanship or personal insult or rancor or agenda — I don’t think she would have it any other way.

Kevin McDuffie

Beacon Falls

Vice Chair, Democratic Town Committee


  1. Thank you Mr. McDuffier for bringing sense to this conversation. This is all about the best interest of the town.