Letter: Olbrys is type of person needed in politics


To the editor,

I have never endorsed a political candidate before, however, I believe Alex Olbrys is the right person for Mayor of Naugatuck. I met Alex when I started to work for Walmart last year. I noticed some of his positive qualities right away. He is kind, respectful, honest, and hard working. When I first started at Walmart, Alex was always approachable for me to ask a question and he would often stop by to ask if I was doing OK. I am an older retired employee and Alex has treated me with nothing but respect.

I like when I work for Alex. Walmart’s front end runs very smoothly under Alex’s leadership. Alex has a great working relationship with others and is able to motivate his team to accomplish the tasks at hand. Alex is not afraid to pitch in when the going gets tough.

This young man is community-oriented serving on the Inland Wetlands Commission and as a burgess. He has helped co-found the Naugatuck Renewable Energy Committee.

I believe Alex is the type of person we need in politics today.

Thomas H. Royle
