To the editor,
Re: Your opinion, “Our View” [published in the April 25 edition of the Citizen’s News.]
Sir, I cannot share your looks in your column. I do not have a price. I am 90 years old. I worked until three years ago. I never asked anyone for anything free.
I served seven years in the service. I do go to the VA for treatments. My wife also served three years in the W.A.C. We had five intelligent children, all went through school and three college. We never asked for a penny help. My oldest son was in the Navy and went there on the GI Bill.
Money never came easy but we always ate well, dressed well, had autos and never a penny from the government.
I do get Social Security, who I paid for all those years of working. I know there are people out there who would stab you in the back for a dollar. I have always tried to stay away from these people.
I have had politicians in the family, but I will say none of them were up for sale. You said we live in America, all are up for sale. I do not agree with that. If you look hard enough you may find a few honest ones. You might be surprised.
I was born in Bridgeport, grew up in Fairfield, all the children in Stratford. I will agree about Bridgeport, I am just glad I don’t work there anymore, but once it was a great city.
Sorry, I can’t agree with you, but to each his own.
Jack Schwarzkopf