To the editor,
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, in her run for state senator, Vickie Nardello will have my family’s vote and so many of my fellow neighbors and friends in nearby towns for one simple reason. She will always have her constituents’ back.
Eight years ago, I watched as Vickie jumped into the middle of the fray when out of nowhere a proposal appeared for two industrial wind turbines in the middle of our densely populated residential neighborhoods. She fought for public hearings with the legislature and allowed each of us the chance to be heard. In the end, reason won out, and thanks to Vickie our neighborhoods are not only protected but maintain a bond forged from her leadership.
I had watched for years as Vickie showed the same fortitude in championing quality of life issues for my neighbors and friends that sometimes are lost in battles that bigger interests can more effectively win. Her strong support for the eventual construction of the school district’s own Woodland Regional High School had my daughter attending one of the finest schools in the state.
And I witnessed the final construction of the town water lines that helped my friends living in the neighborhoods off Straitsville Road, such as Coachlight and Cambridge, with successful state support for funding led by Vickie’s call for her constituents.
To ensure that she will be there for the town in the future please vote for Vickie Nardello for state Senate on Nov. 6.
Ken Aubertin
Here’s a SMALL sample of Nardello’s voting record…..
She voted for Governor Malloy’s huge tax hike in 2011 – the largest in CT history – Also voted to increase the sales tax, eliminating the property tax exemption and for new taxes on nonprescription drugs, haircuts, and clothing and footwear under $50. She also voted against capping the gas tax.
She voted to repeal the death penalty against the overwhelming will of her constituents and against amendments that would have preserved the death penalty for cop killers, rapists, terrorists, and people that commit home invasions.
She voted in favor of Malloy‘s early release program that lets violent offenders out early.
She voted to allow those convicted of multiple DUIs to serve their sentences at home.
She supported funding the New Britain Hartford bus way instead of using the money to fix our roads and bridges.
She voted to give tuition discounts to illegal aliens.
She says healthcare is a right and defends Obamacare despite it radically increasing the cost of healthcare insurance and limiting access because of high deductibles.
She says we need “stronger“ gun control laws.
Nardello’s vote in favor of the inmate early release program — allowing convicted felons to earn credit for programs that could help them get out prison earlier — was a real issue in my district. Look at all the juveniles
stealing cars now and all being let out with no prosecution are a result of her vote.
She’s bad news. A Liberal like Malloy and has to go!