Letter: Nardello exemplifies definition of trust


To the editor,

Trust as defined by Webster is “the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest and effective.” Vickie Nardello, candidate for the 89th District exemplifies those characteristics.

Her record is testimony to her reliability and effectiveness to her constituents. In response to major storms, she introduced legislation to set performance standards for utility companies and require fines when companies fail to meet those standards. This legislation passed unanimously in the House and Senate. She put policies in place to make solar energy more affordable for homeowners. Residents of Prospect attest that she fought tirelessly to protect local property owners’ home values when wind turbines were proposed very close to their homes. She assisted in the development of hospital medical error bills and quality assurance.

Even when she was no longer the 89th state representative, Vickie stood up to the governor to oppose the energy auction bill. She worked with multiple consumer advocacy groups, including AARP, to oppose auctioning off consumer electric accounts to the highest bidder and was successful in her efforts.

Her reputation for thoroughness in researching and fighting passionately for issues she believes in makes her the unquestionable candidate of choice for the 89th District representing Prospect, Cheshire and Bethany. I urge you to cast your vote for her on Nov. 4.

Loretta Chillemi
