Letter: Gun club has been busy


To the editor,

Happy New Year readers. The Prospect Gun Club is having its annual game dinner on Feb. 6 at St Anthony’s Church. I just want to thank everyone. The dinner is sold out. Menu items this year include Pheasant pot pie, Wild Board, Venison Lasgna, Buffalo Steamship and more. We are working hard at getting ready for the big event. Lots of preparations are taking place to make this year’s event a big success. We are still selling raffle tickets for the chance at winning eight different shotguns and rifles. You can go to our website for gun prize details if you are interested. We also are selling raffle tickets for Cabela’s gift cards. Top prize is $2,500. If you are interested you may contact me prior to the dinner to purchase raffle tickets.

In my last newsletter, I had mentioned that we were going into our 34th year. I have been corrected. I had the pleasure in talking to some of the members who have been involved with the club since the beginning. The Prospect Gun Club was established in 1972. I recall a couple of my neighbors such as Tom Howson and Al MaCary as some of the original members. Thanks to Jack Billings for the history lesson.

This year PGC will be hosting its annual Ham Shoot March 8, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This will be for Prospect residents and club members. With Easter coming early this year the club decided to host the Ham shoot early also. Prospect residents please come out and bring your shotguns to have some fun. All proceeds for this fundraising event will go to St Jude’s Children Hospital. If anyone is interested in donating to the club all donations will be added to the proceeds for St Jude’s.

Our membership is hovering near our capacity. We are still accepting Prospect resident applications. There is a small waiting list so get your application in. Go to www.prospectgun.com and download an application. All applications will be filed based on date received.

If you are interested in getting your pistol permit or long rifle permit you may take an NRA safety class at the club. If interested please contact Russ Lubik, our safety officer, to schedule an appointment. Call (860) 689-6347.

If you are a PGC member and have not been receiving my emails please contact me at prospectgunpresident@gmail.com and I will gladly add you to my list.
The next meeting will be at the VFW on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m.

Jerry Williams

President, Prospect Gun Club