Letter: Graveline is a leader


To the editor,

I have had the pleasure of knowing Theresa Cocchiola-Graveline for most of my life beginning with our shared childhood years in Prospect. Throughout the years Theresa has dedicated her time and energy to making her community its very best, all while balancing the myriad responsibilities of home and work. It is this level of commitment and unwavering work ethic that I believe makes Theresa an outstanding mayoral candidate.

Whether serving on the Town Council, advocating for excellence for the education of our youth, or managing a successful small business, Theresa conducts herself with integrity, professionalism and always a spirit of service.

If I were to describe the most important reason I believe Theresa would be an exemplary mayor it is the following: She has the invaluable ability to communicate and work beside others as an active and engaged listener who achieves results.

Borrowing from the words of the esteemed statesman, John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Theresa Cocchiola-Graveline is indeed a leader and could successfully steward Prospect into its next chapter.

Marjorie Doyle Devaney
