Letter: Graveline can lead Prospect into the future


To the editor,

I am writing this letter in support of Theresa Graveline for Mayor of Prospect. I have known Theresa for about 30 years and during this time she has served Prospect in many ways. She has served on the Town Council for 22 years. Theresa has chaired the Land Use Subcommittee where she successfully negotiated purchases and acquisitions including firehouse land, parcels on Center Street and several tracts of open land. She also chairs the Ordinance Subcommittee where she worked to pass several town ordinances including Elderly Tax Relief and Blight Control. Theresa was the author of Prospect’s first Open Space Plan as an addendum to the Prospect Plan of Conservation and Development.

Theresa has played an integral part in developing the town budget and keeping expenditures reasonable. Throughout the years Theresa has been involved in community service, including three terms as the Prospect Jaycees president, founder of the Prospect Women’s Softball League, Girl Scout leader and co-president of the Region 16 High School Cooperative which successfully advocated for passing the high school referendum.  Theresa Graveline knows Prospect inside and out. She grew up in town and is completely dedicated to making Prospect a great place to live.

Theresa is willing to talk to and more importantly listen to anyone. She wants to involve people and get their ideas. Theresa is not out to change all the good things about Prospect but she is about improvement and leading Prospect to the next level of modernization, efficiency and responsible development. Theresa Graveline has the leadership skills and the dedication to lead Prospect into the next chapter of its history and lead this town into the future.

Larry Fitzgerald


The writer is a Democrat candidate for Town Council.