Winners’ names appear in bold.
First Selectman: Dem. Susan A. Cable (937), Rep. Michael A. Krenesky (791)
Selectmen: Rep. Mike Krenesky (791), Dem. Dominick S. Sorrentino (970), Rep. Arthur Daigle, Jr. (729)
Town Clerk: Rep. Kurt Novak (966), Dem. Priscilla Y. Cretella (764)
Treasurer: Dem. Gail E. Fredericks (1,237)
Tax Collector: Dem. Mildred Jurzynski (1,232)
Board of Finance: Dem. Robert F. Doiron (1,244)
Assessor: Dem. Carolyn J. McMahon (1,194)
Board of Assessment Appeals: Dem. Gary M. Komarowsky (1,194)
Zoning Board of Appeals: Rep. William P. Mis (923), Dem. Edmund M. Grace (906), Dem. Robert W. Uhl (1,045)
Library Trustees: Dem. Alexandra Chamenko (1,241)
Board of Education: Dem. Sheryl Feducia, (1,087), Dem. Elizabeth Falzone* (911), Rep. William Fredericks* (911)
*Falzone and Fredericks await a recount; if they remain tied after the recount, a coin toss will determine the winner