NAUGATUCK — The Zoning Commission Oct. 16 continued a hearing on a proposed zone change for a number of properties in the Bridge Street area.
The commission wants to change the zones of 112 Bridge St., 0 Brennan St., 65 Brennan St., 22 Diamond St., 20 Diamond St., 14 Diamond St., 0 Diamond St., 35 Spring St., 55 Spring St. and 63 Spring St. The properties and are a mix of industrial-2, residential A1 and residential 8 zones. Officials want to change the zoning of the parcels to business 2 zone.
Commission members felt residents didn’t get a chance to come to the zoning meeting last week because of bad weather. They want to make sure people get the chance to voice their opinions.
The commission continued the hearing to Nov. 20 at 6:05 p.m.