Carnival to benefit NEF


NAUGATUCK — The carnival is coming to town next week.

The Middletown-based Coleman Brothers Shows Inc. will set up rides and games from May 18 through May 22 on Parcel B, the vacant parking lot next to the former General DataComm building at 6 Rubber Ave.

The carnival is sponsored by the Naugatuck Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides grants for education programs in borough schools that aren’t funded through the annual school budget. A portion of the proceeds from the carnival will go to the NEF.

“We hope everyone comes down and has a good time. It’s going to be fun,” NEF President Andrew Bottinick said.

Aside from helping the foundation, Bottinick said the carnival will also bring people to downtown Naugatuck.

The carnival will open at 6:30 p.m. May 18 through May 20, and at 1 p.m. May 21 and May 22. Bottinick said special wristbands to get on the rides without having to buy tickets will be sold for $25 on May 19, May 21 and May 22.