Ronald San Angelo
Burgess candidate
Why are you running for this position?
“The simple answer is that I love my hometown. I have served Naugatuck for most of my adult life and I want to continue working to make Naugatuck a great place to live, work and raise a family. During my time as Mayor, I enjoyed watching our community come together to enjoy the wonderful activities that our town offered. We built an ice skating rink downtown, held numerous car shows and even started a Duck Race in the Naugatuck River. Even during these difficult times, by working together, we can make a positive difference in our community.
Have you held public office in the past? If so, what positions and when?
“Yes. I have been honored to serve as an elected official by the citizens of our community as a burgess for two years (1989-1991), as a state representative for 10 years (1992 to 2002) and as the Mayor of Naugatuck for four years (2003-2007).
I have also served on the Naugatuck Youth Services Advisory Board, the Naugatuck Board of Education, the Naugatuck Police Commission, the Naugatuck Fire Commission, the Naugatuck Board of Finance, and I currently serve on the Naugatuck Economic Development Corporation.”
What experience makes you qualified for this position?
“As stated in the previous answer I have over 20 years of service to our community, I have gained valuable experience in both local and state government. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in business administration and I am a certified project management professional. The experience that I have gained by serving the people of Naugatuck in almost every aspect of government will be of tremendous value to our citizens.”
If elected, what are your priorities and goals?
“During these difficult times, we need to protect taxpayers. Solid financial management and control of spending is clearly a top priority. Currently the state is proposing one of the largest tax increases in state history and we have to do everything in our power to protect our citizens on a local level. Another priority is to improve the relationship between local government and the Board of Education. Our children deserve a quality education and citizens need to trust that every dollar spent by the Board of Education is going to benefit our children as much as possible.”