Robert J. Burns
Burgess candidate
Watch Robert’s campaign video.
Why are you running for this position?
“I feel that I can make the difference in our town government. My interest is what I can do for Naugatuck and not what I can do for Bob Burns.”
“Have you held public office in the past? If so, what positions and when?”
“I served on the Board of Welfare for 21 years from1953 to 1974. I have been a burgess since 1974.”
What experience makes you qualified for this position?
“My experience comes from the many years of service of serving on commissions and boards for the past 37 years as a burgess.”
If elected, what are your priorities and goals?
“My priorities are for a better Naugatuck and its citizens. My goals are to help senior citizens and youth of Naugatuck. Too many times we take these two groups for granted. Remember that seniors are honorable and youth is valuable. These people are all human beings and deserve the respect and honor that is due them.”