Candidate profile: Eileen Cranney



Prospect Town Council

Eileen Cranney

Age: 57
Occupation: Director of Business Services – Laerdal Medical
Past political posts: None
Education: BS in Political Science

Do you think Prospect needs policies regarding wind energy? What form should such policies take?

“Yes, and these should be developed in conjunction with subject matter experts, residents, and based on facts. Policies need to evolve as a part of a learning and educational process.”

What is your plan for economic development in Prospect?

“We first need an assessment of what business we are missing, and what businesses we can sustain. We should look to make the town a self-sustaining entity. That way our growth and development is dependent on and rewarded by our residents.”

How do you plan to approach the next budget cycle?

“I am an economic conservative — that means good planning and lots of transparency as a first step.”

If elected, what are your priorities and goals?

“We need to establish a short-term plan that looks at where the residents of the town would like to see our town in the next three years, and a long term plan that looks out five to seven years. We need to anticipate the changes that will impact how we live and raise families here. Without a roadmap the journey is going to be bumpy.”