Beacon Falls storm update – alternate trick-or-treat at the high school


BEACON FALLS – Door-to-door trick-or-treating has been canceled tonight due to safety concerns but children can still get their candy. Instead, a group of parents has organized a “trunk-or-treat” at the high school. Anyone who wishes to hand out candy can park their car in the well-lit high school parking lot. Parents can bring their costumed children to Woodland Regional High School from 6 p.m. To 7:30 p.m. this evening, according to Beacon Hose Company No. 1 spokesman Jeremy Rodorigo.

All roads in Beacon Falls are open, with one exception. Lopus Road is closed near the intersection of Cold Spring Road, where Connecticut Light and Power is in the process of replacing downed poles, Rodorigo said.

No electricity has been restored in Beacon Falls today. The town remains 99 percent powerless, according to CL&P’s website.

The shelter at the Senior Center has seen a steady stream of traffic all day, as people have come in to warm up and get something to eat, according to Rodorigo.

The Senior Center and Woodland Regional High School will be open as a shelter tonight. Residents can also charge cell phones and fill buckets of water at both locations and at the Fire House.