Candidate profile: Patricia Geary



Prospect Town Council

Patricia Geary

Age:  66
Occupation:  Teacher, Region 16
Past political posts:  Currently serving 13th term on the Prospect Town Council, Previous member Board of Recreation
Education:  Bachelor of Science, S.C.S.U., Master’s, C.C.S.U., 6th year, University of New England

  • Do you think Prospect needs policies regarding wind energy? What form should such policies take?

“I do think that Prospect, and all towns, should have policies regarding wind energy. Although the Connecticut Siting Council is in the process of developing regulations for wind turbines of one megawatt or larger, I believe the town should also be formulating guidelines relating to smaller wind turbines. I believe that such policies should be included in our planning and zoning regulations so as to protect the health, safety, and quality of life of our citizens.”

  • What is your plan for economic development in Prospect?

“Prospect already has an excellent Plan for Conservation and Development, which outlines how, where, and what the town development should be. What I believe is needed now is the promotion of the town of Prospect as an attractive, viable, and affordable place for businesses to locate and succeed. We have areas zoned for business, a low mill rate, and access to both Route 8 and I-84. These attributes need to be communicated to businesses looking to establish themselves. A good PR campaign would aid in this promotion.”

  • How do you plan to approach the next budget cycle?

“The objective of every town budget is to provide the highest and best quality services to the citizens at the lowest and most reasonable cost. As a Town Council member it is my responsibility to scrutinize and question each line item to insure that the citizens are receiving the best possible value for their tax dollars. Just as in our own home budgets, sometimes it is necessary to postpone non-essential expenditures, especially in these difficult times. As a Town Council member I try to make budget decisions based on what I believe the public needs and can afford.”

  • If elected, what are your priorities and goals?

“If elected, one of my primary goals will be to get more citizens involved in our town government. All too often issues arise and votes are taken without the general public’s awareness or involvement. The events are not kept secret, but they are also not communicated to the public in a timely way. I would like to see the Town Council, Zoning Board, and Board of Education meetings broadcast on public access television. Even if they are not be able to attend meetings in person, citizens would be made aware of important issues and provided with the details that would help them make informed decisions. This could be accomplished by using Woodland High School students interested in filming and television production, and community service hours could be provided to them. It would be a win-win situation, with the ultimate winners being the citizens of Prospect.”