MultimediaVideo Culture Night By mycitizensnews - March 19, 2012 0 29 [local /wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Naugy-Culture.flv nolink] The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL The Naugatuck Cultural Council held its second annual International Cultural Heritage Night on March 15 at Naugatuck High School. – LUKE MARSHALL