Woodland math team ranks fourth


mathmeet2BEACON FALLS — An amount of money is increased by 15 percent of itself. This new amount is then reduced by 40 percent. At this point, the value is $41.40. What was the original amount?

Stumped? Just talk to some of the math team students at Woodland Regional High School, where a meet hosting some 200 students was held this Monday.

A written test comprising ten questions in algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and advanced math was administered over 40 minutes to competitors after a social time with pizza and snacks donated by the local Big Y.

Proctors paced the aisles in the third-floor cafeteria as students worked through the varied word problems which any former high school mathophobe would quail at. Their guest scratched his head over some of the questions and wondered what his college degree was good for, after all.

After the 40 minutes were up, teams filed out to individual classrooms for a 10-minute period of deliberation over a team question, a slightly harder problem that required teamworkmathmeet4 and focus to slosh through.

After this period, the meet was over, and the proctors met behind locked doors to tally results and rank the winners.

The 16-member Woodland math team placed fourth in the seven-team meet of the Western Math League. The Black and Gold beat out Pomperaug High School, The Gunnery, and New Fairfield High School, but were outscored by Brookfield High School, New Milford High School, and Northwestern High School.

Junior Rickey Magner recorded a perfect score, and Jiye Park placed second in the freshmen round.