Letter to the editor: The dream is over


Ah, the American Dream. It’s the envy of the world, only a dream in places where people don’t have the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms our troops have died for, freedoms that make up the fabric of what defines us as Americans. Ironically, in one of the most patriotic towns in Connecticut, the dream is dying.

By the looks of things, the state and federal government are going to get their way and trample over the fundamental constitutional right to own property and our guarantee of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What am I talking about? I am talking about the Connecticut Siting Council, who will decide our fate on May 12; decide without any regulations regarding the siting of industrial wind turbines, whether or not to OK their placement near homes.

If they do it’s a decision driven by the unfettered quest to grab federal money. It’s obvious now that it’s their aim to give these dollars, in the name of going green, to a few individuals within a small circle of friends and boy it feels wrong to me. It feels wrong when the price will be paid by me and my neighbors through the loss of my home, the loss of peace and tranquility, and serious threats to my health and safety while I am at my home. This is unconstitutional.

The CSC has unlimited, unchecked powers solely in their hands. It is made up of nine appointed members, one being the new chairperson appointed by Gov. Malloy since the former chairperson resigned as a result of ex parte communication with our neighborhood’s hired lawyer.

In front of these elite few is petition 980, the BNE wind turbine facility proposal to be decided upon, by the nine members, on May 12. This is a life changing event for over 900 homes in Prospect which are within 1.25 miles of the proposed Industrial Wind Giants. If the CSC votes yes and the BNE Industrial Wind turbines go up, yes, the American dream in my little corner of this great country of ours will have died. Yours could be next.

John Hurley
