Letter: Questions candidate’s leadership skills


To the editor,

I was astounded to hear that Gerry Smith decided to run as candidate for first selectman in this year’s campaign. Just a few short months ago Mr. Smith resigned as chair of Board of Finance, due to a conflict in his work schedule.

He resigned just as the Board of Finance was contending with a controversial town budget that required serious and unpopular decisions. Mr. Smith chose to walk away from his responsibilities during the most critical time for the town of Beacon Falls. A budget needed to be implemented. Had he worked with the Board of Selectman to create a budget during this fiscally difficult economy he would have been viewed as a leader making hard decisions. Rather, he walked away from his responsibilities because of a conflict with work.

With Mr. Smith resigning at this critical budget period it forced Chris Bielik to take over a position that no one wanted. Chris Bielik plowed through the morass to bring the Board of Finance and Board of Selectman together to create a sound budget for the town within its means, using the revenues and state funding that could be applied.
One has to seriously question the leadership qualities of Mr. Smith. Walking away from his position as chair on the Board of Finance during a budget cycle showcases his lack of leadership where a demanding situation required his guidance. His abrupt resignation also displays his lack of teamwork with the Board of Selectman.

Resigning for reasons of work conflicts also gives rise to his priorities, how he will make time for the first selectman position. A position that demands leadership in the face of any situation, attention to details, and decision making skills.

In my opinion, Mr. Smith does not have the leadership qualities to lead Beacon Falls, now or into the future. He does not have my support or my vote.

Jeffrey Goerig

Beacon Falls


  1. I know Gerard Smith to be a leader and a man of integrity. He would not have accepted the nomination for First Selectman, if he did not intend to see it through. Read his own words in response to Mr. Jeff Goerig’s letter by going to the “Columns” tab on the Citizen’s News website, click on “Letter to the Editor” and look for “Letter: Candidate responds to letter.”

    Ronald J. Holzman

  2. But, the concern is will he do it AGAIN to our town, if he is elected? It was in the MIDDLE of budget season when he was CHAIRMAN! The 1st selectman job IS a full-time one, even if it is not paid as one.

  3. If Mr. Goerig had self identified his close relationship to the Democratic Town Committee and candidate Susan Cable, perhaps his comments would not have come off just as they appear – self serving.

    During this economic downturn many of us have had to make ‘hard decisions’ to keep food on the table and the lights on at home. With unemployment at 9% we are all in survival mode when you cannot trust that your job will be there tomorrow. To suggest that anyone walked away from their responsibilities at a time when the game has changed and rules we all have accepted for years no longer apply, does a disservice to everyone in the community who has also made these choices.

    I support Gerry Smith’s leadership qualities and understanding of the economic reality that exists today. I will be voting for him and the whole Smith-D’Amico Team on November 8th.

    Michael A Krenesky, Selectman (R)