Letter: Proposed Prospect Street project is wrong for Naugatuck


To the editor,

The development proposal referred to as 0 Prospect St. involving Fulling Mill Brook and its wetlands is wrong for Naugatuck. It targets the stream’s most important wildlife habitat while potentially endangering well water of neighbors.

This area has a unique ravine-like quality. Neighbors have documented the biodiversity of mammals there. The shadows from a hill on the south side along with the rushing water due to the angle of the land make it favorable to fish like trout. This area is a “poster child” of what needs to be preserved. The impact of a 10,000-square-foot building along with the proposal to remove 60,000 cubic feet of earth would do irreparable damage to this passive space.

I implore the Wetlands Commission to deny this application. In doing so, the quality of the Naugatuck River will also be protected.

For those citizens interested in conservation and the environment please attend the Inland Wetlands Commission meeting on April 7.

Christine Yannielli


The writer is a member of Naugatuck’s Conversation Commission.