To the editor,
After reading the Nov. 25 article entitled “Public Voices Concerns Over Region 16 Project.” I was dismayed by the lack of information given about the state of Algonquin School. It only stated that Algonquin School was built 60 years ago and it has no gym or media center. While those points are true, they are certainly not the “driving force” of why a new building is needed.
Here are a few of the numerous issues that effect our children’s education:
The building has had no renovations since its inception 60 years ago. There is no sprinkler system. (Fire Code Violation) The building is not handicap accessible (American with Disabilities Act). The septic field lies under the parking lot (which is now illegal). Most of the windows do not open or open outward (Building Code Violation). There are no phones in the classroom (Safe School Violation). In fact, the original PA system is used and breaks down frequently. There is no fenced in playground (Safe School Violation). Asbestos is in the windows and floors, thus limiting repairs or alterations since it cannot be disturbed. Each classroom has only one or two electrical outlets (Unsafe). Teachers are forced to use power strip upon power strip. Storage is so limited that teachers are forced to store all supplies in the hallway and the custodians store all cleaning supplies in the classrooms. (Safe School Violation). There is not enough electricity coming into the school to run today’s technology and obviously, the building is not energy efficient. The kindergarten students are in the annex building and lose precious classroom time switching from one building to another. And the list goes on and on.
Please take a tour of the facility if you are considering voting no or undecided on Dec. 20 and you can see for yourself the sacrifices our children and teachers have made for too many years. I find it ironic that our town has a state-of-the-art firehouse, we can put on an addition to the senior center, buy new public works vehicles and fire trucks, etc. without a blink of an eye. The fact that we have to fight to replace an old, dilapidated building that houses our children and their future is unacceptable. Our children deserve a safe learning environment and they deserve it now. The building has run out of time and only you can vote yes.
Tracey Scott
Vice President, Algonquin/Community PTO