Hello Naugatuck, Prospect and Beacon Falls!
Allow me to introduce myself. I recently moved to the Valley after completing my studies in communications at American University in Washington, DC.
The Valley is a long way from the capital, where I covered political protests, taxi strikes, and activist organizations on my campus, but many of the issues are the same. Despite being the nation’s capital, DC is a small town in many ways. People are concerned about jobs, schools and making their voices heard.
And that’s what I’m here for. In taking the position of staff writer at Citizen’s News, I have made a commitment to you, to keep you informed on what’s happening here in the Valley. From zoning ordinances to high school football games to local artists and entrepreneurs, I promise to cover the issues that are important to you.
But I can’t do it alone. I need your help to let me know what’s going on, how you feel about it and what you’re going to do about it. Please e-mail me at editor@mycitizensnews.com or give me a call at (203) 729-2228 ext. 23 with your thoughts and insights.
I have already met some of you, and I hope to meet many more. Let’s be friends (on Facebook).
Laraine Weschler
Citizen’s News staff writer