Letter: RTC Chair responds to letter


To the editor,

In response to the Dec. 19 opinion letter penned by Former First Selectman Susan Cable.

As I read the letter, I was very disappointed about how Ms. Cable spoke of her withdrawn application to the position of Beacon Falls Economic Development coordinator, with a salary of $10,000. She attributes the fact that it was not offered to her to partisanship. As chairman of the Republican Town Committee, I knew this claim could not stand unchallenged.

From the Dec. 5 Citizens News article quoting EDC (Economic Development Commission) Chairman Jeremy Rodorigo, “I think this position is important. It’s a big step in bringing Beacon Falls to where it needs to be in terms of economic development. For $10,000, the pool of applicants won’t be wide.”

He was accurate; two people applied, and the decision was made to table the position for now, offering it at a later date, when more people will be aware of it, the hope being a better qualified candidate will come forward. (This scenario has precedent.) This information is also available in the Nov. 10 Board of Selectman’s meeting minutes and the Nov. 24 EDC monthly meeting minutes.

I do not know what former Democratic First Selectman Susan Cable is referring to when
she says it was a partisan decision; her selection was not supported by her own party. If she wants to make accusations based on party affiliation citing “anonymous” bloggers, she should realize that “anonymous” can belong to either party.

If Susan Cable has the town’s best interests and not her own financial gain in mind, she can attend EDC meetings, without an official title or salary, and offer her expertise as a volunteer.

Katheryn E. Brown-Brierley

Chair, Beacon Falls Republican Town Committee


  1. Assuming the Town Clerk has the tape, let’s have the audio made available on the Town Website. Then everyone can hear it, not just us. Mr Town Clerk, is this possible?

  2. “In addition, the former First Selectman apparently made the following statement (paraphrased) ” I have withdrawn my application as I have found another position that pays more.” So, is it the money?”

    JD – here you go again with your ignorant agenda. I know first hand that this is completely untrue. Have any other misinformation you want to spread? Perhaps you should consider volunteering your own time to make things improved for the town instead of sitting behind a keyboard and spouting nonsense.

  3. According to people who attended the Board of Selectmen meeting, the Former First Selectman declared that she was not interested in the money, so if true and she has ideas that can then be explored by the EDC Commission, why not share them? In addition, the former First Selectman apparently made the following statement (paraphrased) ” I have withdrawn my application as I have found another position that pays more.” So, is it the money?

  4. You missed the point, Ms Cable accused others once again for not getting what she wants. I agree if it’s all about being a servant then serve any way you can with or without pay. Ideas are ideas Ms Goerig paid or unpaid.

  5. jd06403

    What is so “excellent” about volunteering information?

    The position, Economic Development coordinator was created to assist in generating and growing the town economy, bring in businesses and grow the tax base. To do this requires 1) research, 2) analysis (what have other towns done, what is the trend, etc) 3) evaluation (how did other plans work,) and then 4) generating a plan/report that would be presented to the EDC that would present ways to improve (solutions.) This takes critical thinking and strategic thinking skills. Ms. Cable is well educated; she could bring a lot to the table.

    She didn’t apply for a six-digit position; to consider her motives to be monetary and then suggest volunteering ideas in a meeting is ludicrous.

    How the heck will that help? Unbelievable!

    Anita Goerig